Installing An Amiga 500 GVP Hard Drive
My video guide for installing an Amiga hard drive My video guide on installing Amiga games to a hard drive My written article concerning the death of my Amiga hard drive My video concerning the death of my Amiga hard drive Music for the Basic Demo *Next article *Previous article *Alphabetical list of writings I've often heard that the reason people don't cover a certain game released on the Amiga is because it is simpler for them to use DOS. I scratch my head and can't help but think that none of them have actually used DOS. There are a great many games that if not outright better on the Amiga, are more often than not deserving of coverage from all manner of people who show off these games online. Nothing is simpler in DOS. I imagine this false idea is put in their head based on buying or stealing games which often come from GOG, which pretty much only offers DOS games. These games often times come with all the correct settings in order for the game to ...